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  Music China 2018 - Shanghai

Navštivte nás na veletrhu Music China 2018.
Stánek E12, hala E1, ve dnech 10.-13.10 2018

With China becoming the second-largest consumer market in the world, its business opportunities are multifold. Over 100,000 visitors from more than 81 countries and regions crowded into Music China 2017 to source for the latest market’s favorites. Music China provides tailor-made service and first-hand industry news for you to stay ahead of the curve. Varied fringe programs, including educational workshops, industry forums and music lives shows will be held to bring sparkles and keep everyone entertained.

Music China 2018

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Kontaktní informace


BSG Musical Instruments s.r.o.
Jiráskovo náměstí 272
564 01 Žamberk, Česká Republika
GPS: 50.0885294N, 16.4675547E
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tel./fax: +420 465 613 560